On 14 November, we had the privilege of taking part in the closing event of the very first low-carbon support programme dedicated to Monegasque entrepreneurs. 🎓
This initiative, orchestrated by the Mission pour la Transition Energétique (MTE) in partnership with the Direction du Développement Economique (DDE), the MonacoBoost business incubator and the MonacoTech startup incubator, was a key milestone in our journey.
Launched in April 2023 for a period of six months, the programme has been meticulously designed following an in-depth survey of the training needs expressed by participating companies.
We are proud to be one of the 21 companies to have undergone this intensive support, and we were honoured to receive the programme's certificate of completion. This certificate symbolises our commitment to a low-carbon approach and underlines our efforts in favour of the energy transition. 🌎
HY-Plug now holds the "Low-Carbon Contractor" certificate, a recognition that strengthens our determination to continue working towards a more environmentally-friendly future. 💪
Le 14 novembre dernier, nous avons eu le privilège de participer à l'événement de clôture du tout premier programme d'accompagnement bas-carbone dédié aux entrepreneurs monégasques. 🎓
